Dear all,
Myself Hajira Amrin Samsudeen a budding psychology student. I'm concerned in the things which makes me happy. That's why I'm here to share you about how to fight against depression and to lead a peaceful life. I read books like 'THE ART OF LIVING', 'FIRST WE MAKE THE BEAST BEAUTIFUL', 'THE HAPPINESS TRAP', 'SELF COMPASSION' written by great authors and spiritual leaders like Dalai Lama, Kristin Neff, Russ Harris, Sarah Wilson. The main idea is depicted in various other forms. However we have to take the main plot and summarize it. I have decided to make it simple by dividing it into parts like REASONS, EFFECTS, and REHABILITATION.
Never let anyone to be alone if you think they are easily prone to bullying and kinda sensitive person. The studies estimated that nearly 70.1/100,000 deaths are due to depression and the most affected are those who ages between 12-27. Loneliness can make to to crave for people's attention and affection. Once you get ignored you will fall into the hands of depression. The very likely to affected are teenagers as they don't know how far the life is and it's all belongs to the part of it. The same coin has two sides. On the other side, one can find it as an excuse to find what talent he has and go through the shining part instead of being in dark. It all depends on one's perception.
Well, in this part you have really nothing to do with it. Yes, you have family issues not only you everyone has it. The thing which you think its not negotiable will be negotiable for some other families. Here you have to take a breathe and to focus on you for the betterment of yourself. There is no man with a family without a fight. Take it as a common thing. We may come across situations like seeing our dad or mom or siblings in trouble that you have no way of helping. It will hurts you but the same time it teaches you like how they fight against that crisis. Whatever you look, learn from it.
3.INFERIORITY COMPLEX: This inferiority complex is prevailing common nowadays. I heard voices of my classmates while doing schooling saying that one cannot do that. 'You're so short how can you play basketball?' 'You're so dumb how can you be the class rep?' this kinda voices may seems to be shallow but it can create a great impact on that particular person. You don't know something unless it happens to you. The one thing that can pacify you is you're not the only one to experience it. Get the great look of this world where somewhere a person could be sobbing because of the same reason of yours. I would like to tell about one of my friends while studying in school. I met her in my 8th standard where she and me is new joiner to the school. I got comfortable to the new class environment and I was speaking to everyone little. Then I noticed that neither she didn't talk to anyone nor they. She was full figured and that's why everyone in my class avoided her and didn't included her. She was one of my closest friends for 2 years. The appearance of her didn't spoil her soul. She's far better than those who avoided her. Such a good hearted person she is.
4.STUDY PRESSURE Didn't have enough time to study. Expectation from parents and friends. Self-comparison between your classmates. These things could haunt you. But human brain is the machine where your input gives the output. The inputs like negative thoughts will only put you down but the positivity will give you success. No one will encourage you unless you do it yourself. Learn to split and study. Use your time wisely. Self care is must as you're the plant that raised by itself and getting into the process of growing. Make interest in what you study.
First, why do you put yourself into someone wrong? Making questions and solving it by yourself is the solution that could make you satisfy. You're too precious with a good mind and make sure that should not change you. You're more than what you think.
Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity. It can affect a person's thoughts, behavior, motivation, feelings, and sense of well being. It may feature sadness, difficulty in thinking and concentration and a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping. People experiencing depression may have feelings of dejection, hopelessness and, sometimes, suicidal thoughts. It can either be short term or long term. The core symptom of depression is said to be anhedonia, which refers to loss of interest or a loss of feeling of pleasure in certain activities that usually bring joy to people. Depressed mood is a symptom of some mood disorders such as major depressive disorder or dysthymia; it is a normal temporary reaction to life events, such as the loss of a loved one; and it is also a symptom of some physical diseases and a side effects of some drugs and medical treatments.
2. BEING IN A LOW KEY SOCIALLY: You come up with lack of communication and you find yourself not cool. You could be feeling difficulty to express yourself. It may brings you fear of interaction and getting ignored. But being in a low key and enjoying yourself is a better cup of tea. Privacy is everything in order to learn.
3. BEING HYPER SOCIAL: Sometimes some people will be more socially active in order to ease their pain inside. Whatever you see might not be real like a person who is not happy by himself but being happy socially. REHABILITATION:
1. SONGS: Commonly, people who report symptoms of depression lack pleasure or lack of interest in activities and/or loss of meaning. The act of creating music allows you to take risks and experience yourself in a different way, while being supported in a therapeutic setting. Especially if you have a difficult time expressing yourself otherwise, you can experience moving emotions through playing music. Allow the music you create to have meaning to you. You can create a song specifically around the sadness you feel from losing a beloved pet, the struggle you experience after a career change, the longing of leaving something of value to you. Let those emotions and experiences guide your music as you play. Relate to people and yourself differently. When engaged in music, you allow yourself to relate differently. Instead of using words, you use emotion, tone, rhythm, and collaboration. Interacting and engaging through music allows you to express yourself when words may be difficult to find, but the emotion is not. Working with a music therapist can help you connect more deeply with your emotions and work through them in a supportive environment. Notice how you feel when you play music. Do you feel present, focused on the moment, the music, and the feeling? These can be healing factors to depression. Explore vibration treatment. Music can be described as sound, which can be further reduced to vibration. Vibration therapy (called vibroacoustic therapy) uses low level vibrations that can be heard and felt and applies them to the body. Vibroacoustic therapy works with the body in a way that allows the emotions and body to work more harmoniously together by stimulating different parts of the body through vibration. While still gaining momentum as a treatment option for depression, some studies have concluded positive responses to vibroacoustic therapy as a treatment approach to depression. Vibroacoustic therapy also helps with chronic pain(such as fibromyalgia) by lowering pain, increasing movement, and reducing medication dosage. Listen to music that makes you feel good. Different musical styles can affect your mood. For instance, Classical music is associated with feeling calm, relaxed, and comforted, while rock music can lead to discomfort. If you’re stuck in negative thoughts (which is common when you feel depressed), try using music to boost your mood to a more positive space. Play music you associated with positive feelings and gauge how you feel during and afterward.
2. KNOW YOURSELF: You don't deserve to be sad and you're worthy of living good and to feel good. Once you find the greatness in you no one get the chance of hurting you. Chin up and move on. Focus on your studies/career till you get visible results. Get surrounded by good persons with positive thoughts. Learn to be energetic and sportive with everyone you meet and treat everyone with kindness. You can be free with friends and have a warm talks and can share good thoughts which can be useful to grow yourself.
3. GET A GOOD SLEEP: Sleep is important to your brain in order to function properly and to maintain peace of your existence. Some can sleep for 8 hours and find it insufficient but some can sleep for 4 hours and get contentment. The more you work and brooding in daytime the more you get good sleep.
4. TAKE CARE OF YOUR FOOD HABITS: I personally prefer to drink more water whenever I feel down and in anxiety. Research suggests that not only can the food you eat affect your mood, but that your mood may influence the foods you choose to consume. Enjoying a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, wholegrain cereals, legumes, low-fat dairy, lean meat and oily fish, for instance, is associated with reductions in mood swings, depression and anxiety. Basically the science of food's affect on mood is based on this: Dietary changes can bring about changes in our brain structure (chemically and physiologically), which can lead to altered behavior. 5. WORKOUT: The more you work on yourself the more you create yourself. It's like a sculpturing yourself. Make over yourself. Go out in the fresh air. Sweat the negativities out of you and make your mind calm. Hearing songs while workout surly boosts you.
6. LEARN TO UNDERSTAND: Understanding others could eliminate mind pressures. Show empathy towards others who are facing any kind of difficult situations. Sometimes being quite instead of bullying them is far better. The least you can do is make a smile towards them and wave them good morning or noon. Be gentle with your actions and make smart moves.

Apart from what I said so far there are lot of stuffs which could make you free from dark and can make you to lead towards happy and successful life. I said that I was feeling lonely and depressed to people who belongs to my close circle to see what actions they are willing to take when someone says that I'm not feeling good. The results were very bad and it's merely like caring. But many of my friends made me happy and called me. They are the one who really cares. Its not about what time I said and where they are if someone really cares they will make ways to protect you.
-Hajira Amrin Samsudeen
Very neat and clear ❤️👏
Nice and inspiring :)