When this post mentioned self-care, most of you would have assumed that I’m going to talk about fitness, healthy eating and not to forget the fancy makeup or skin care.
Well I’m not going to speak about those things as the social media around us speaks so much about it and you have abundant information about it for yourself.
Self-care is just not about physical grooming; self-care is a lot more than that aspect.
I’m here to help you figure out the other psychological aspects of self-care, which without any doubt helps you with who you are, what you are and what you are capable of and what the best you could be!
1. What are the things that scare you? Jot it all down and do that one damn thing every day.
Our personal growth happens only when we’re outside the comfort zone, when we are staying in the comfort zone it makes us feel so secure and won’t let us get into the actual world and enjoy the many other things that provide pleasure.
2. Take a few minutes and think to yourself or jot down your daily habits/activities. Once done evaluate it or ask yourself if they are helping you to evolve or revolve.
It’s okay to have few habits/activities that doesn’t make you progress, but make sure that not everything is unfruitful or makes you subtle. If you find your habits/activities just moving in circles around and around, then it’s time to work on it.
3. Your thoughts make who you are! Yes, you heard me right.
Your happiness, your life, the person who you wish to be depends on the quality of your thoughts. Thoughts actually change the brain’s chemical balance and have the capacity to alter the health of your whole body.
Practice positive affirmations/thinking and make it your daily essential. If a negative thought pops up ask the question- Is it true or is it worthy to think of? (Simple effective question to counterattack negative thoughts)
4. Now again I want you to pause and think carefully whether, most of the time - are you sacrificing the peace within you to keep the peace around you?
If yes, then you have to work on it. Most of the time we put others needs/peace before our own, its good; but we need to learn to recognise when we are crossing the line between caring so much for others that we forget to care for our own selves.
Note: You always cannot be doing this! You have a life of yours and u need to live it...!
Make sure if you have any issues/problems speak out and solve it.
5. Ask yourself daily and make it a habit - what am I grateful for today? What is my goal for today? How can I make myself useful today?!
These habits help you increase your success and tune your brain into a good thinking and allow you to lead best and successful life.
Article by - SS

An attractive one 👏 made a different angle of self-care🙂
Much needed one 😍❤
This article is wow😍
Reading this article was a total win!