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The Quest for Happiness

Writer's picture: 2020enroselavie72020enroselavie7

I guess the day has finally come, where I can write about a thing I tend to overthink a lot!! The universal question; what makes ME happy??

Though many might have had this question, we don’t really think a lot about this because of lack of time. Today we’re in a busy world running around in the search of happiness and in the run we forget about our initial goal which was “happiness”. As a kid we’re told that studying will give us a fruitful adulthood, as an adult we’re told that working hard and earning money will give us happiness and when working hard to make a living, we’re told that marriage will give us happiness and then we go on a search for “soul mate”. After marriage our responsibility is doubled and we work hard to make this marriage work and later we just wait around anticipating about death…….

But wait... I thought that our initial goal was happiness and are we really happy? In a never ending quest for happiness we forget why we started this quest in the first place. I know a lot of people around me who lost themselves in this quest of happiness. The ones who once smiled a lot, the one that was happy before they got lost in this quest. The world is cruel with lots of competition and the ones that lose will be continuously stepped on, and will always be compared to the ones that won. In the end they are pushed into the self-misery called “low self-esteem”. Having to deal with others who constantly doubt you is worse; but the actual misery is you doubting yourself and your self-worth. Here is a quick reminder guys; YOU know you the best, YOU spend the most time with yourself, YOU are the only person who will\ should never judge yourself, YOU are the only person who is constant in your life. This is a quick reminder to help you guys remember that YOU are the only key to your happiness.

Here are quick tips that can make you happy:

1. Ask yourself, is your mess-up really a big deal?

2. Accept and love your imperfections.

3. Remember that you are your best friend

4. Be your own motivation

5. Do what really makes you happy

6. Remember that You’re never too old to do something

7. If you stand out remember that you’re not weird but just unique!!!

8. Be grateful for what you have.

9. It’s okay to take breaks and stop for a moment in this never ending journey.




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