In this pandemic time everyone will be stressed in their life. There are many ways to deal with stress like talking with friends, exercising or hearing a music. One of the best way to get rid of stress is yoga. Yoga reduces stress and promotes relaxation. It helps to relax both our body and mind and helps control our breathing pattern. Practicing yoga builds the ability to calm, focus and balance. Yoga is more than just stretching, it doesn’t require any kind of special equipment it can be done anywhere.
The key component of yoga include meditation, relaxation, postures and breathing exercises. At the time of stress we often hold or shorten our breathing. If we are able to inhale and exhale calmly and deeply throughout the life, it is a great stress reliever. Even if we go to a yoga class, teacher tells us to regulate our breath. Apart from being a stress reliever yoga has some physical benefits like increased flexibility, improved respiration, weight reduction, maintaining a balanced metabolism, and protection from injury.
Hatha is one of the popular style of yoga which is a combination of many poses. It focuses more on the physical type than the meditative form. They are followed by a series of asanas and end with Savasana( a resting period ). Yoga helps in developing inner awareness. Yoga studios don’t have mirrors because they
want people to focus on their inward awareness rather than how they pose or the people around them.
Yoga poses help you release physical blockages like muscle knots, also helps to remove emotions and tension. They promotes the release of mood boosting endorphins which are the feel good hormones that has positive affect on handling stress. Breathing exercise like pranayama teaches to relax the breath and breathe deeply. Breathing exercises also enhance good sleep quality and encourage mindfulness. Breathing exercises can be done at anytime throughout the day. Meditation positions include sitting on a chair, on the floor, standing, walking and lying down meditation.
Whenever you’re doing a yoga pose be sure that your body, mind and breathing are in a balanced state. A simple pose like a mountain pose is a stress reliever. When we are under stress we think of what we have to do in the future or what we have done in the past. Instead of thinking about these thoughts if we focus on doing yoga it helps to build focus and concentration. Yoga can be done outdoor for a change in scenery. Experiencing the sounds and feel of the outdoor world during yoga gives a positive energy.
Best poses to reduce stress in our day to day life:
Sukhasana (with forward bend) adding a forward bend increases the
exhale, leading to the relaxation of the body.
Uttanasana forward bend with arms behind the back, helps release
shoulder tension.
Prasarita padottanasana this pose with the forward bend by touching the
head on the ground releases the pressure in the head.
Sasangasana( rabbit pose) this is one of the best pose for stress relief.
When we add the hands interlaced behind our back and lifting and lowering
our hips, it helps to get a shoulder release.
Vajrasana combined with garudasana in this pose we sit with a eagle
arms. This pose creates a broad back which helps to get out of the stress
Savasana(corpse pose) this pose along with block on the forehead helps to
calm the mind.